Saturday, March 17, 2007

Preschool Course of Study

Here's a typical course of study for a preschooler, copied from the World Book site. Things that Colwyn can do already are crossed out. This is more for my benefit than anything else, so sorry if it's boring. :)

* Understands big and little.
* Understands long and short. - not sure about this one
* Matches shapes or objects based on size.

Colors and Shapes
* Recognizes and names primary colors.
* Recognizes circles.
* Recognizes rectangles.
* Matches shapes or objects based on shape.
* Copies shapes.

* Counts orally through 10.
* Counts objects in one-to-one correspondence.
* Understands empty and full.
* Understands more and less.

Reading Readiness
* Remembers objects from a given picture.
* Knows what a letter is.
* Has been read to frequently.
* Has been read to daily.
* Looks at books and magazines.
* Recognizes some nursery rhymes.
* Identifies parts of the body.
* Identifies objects that have a functional use.
* Knows common farm and zoo animals.
* Pronounces own first name.
* Pronounces own last name.
* Expresses self verbally.
* Identifies other children by name.
* Tells the meaning of simple words.
* Repeats a sentence of 6-8 words.
* Completes incomplete sentence with proper word.
* Has own books.
* Understands that print carries a message.
* Pretends to read.
* Uses left-to-right progression.
* Answers questions about a short story.
* Tells the meaning of words heard in story.
* Looks at pictures and tells a story.
* Identifies own first name in manuscript.
* Prints own first name.

Position and Direction
* Understands up and down.
* Understands in and out.
* Understands front and back.
* Understands over (on) and under.
* Understands top, bottom, middle. - not sure if he knows this
* Understands beside and next to.
* Understands hot and cold.
* Understands fast and slow.

* Understands day and night.
* Knows age and birthday. - his birthdate has never come up, hmm

Listening and Sequencing
* Follows simple directions.
* Listens to a short story.
* Listens carefully.
* Recognizes common sounds.
* Repeats a sequence of sounds.
* Repeats a sequence of orally given numbers.
* Retells simple stories in sequence.

Motor Skills
* Is able to run.
* Is able to walk a straight line.
* Is able to jump.
* Is able to hop.
* Is able to alternate feet walking down stairs.
* Is able to march.
* Is able to stand on one foot for 5-10 seconds.
* Is able to walk backwards for five feet.
* Is able to throw a ball.
* Pastes objects.
* Claps hands.
* Matches simple objects.
* Touches fingers.
* Able to button a garment.
* Builds with blocks.
* Completes simple puzzles (5 pieces or less).
* Draws and colors beyond a simple scribble.
* Able to zip a zipper.
* Controls pencil and crayon well.
* Cuts simple shapes. - he might be able to do this, but hasn't done it yet
* Handles scissors well.
* Able to copy simple shapes.

Social-Emotional Development
* Can be away from parents or primary care givers for 2-3 hours without being upset. - luckily, we've always been able to use my parents as babysitters, but he'd probably do fine with Mary watching him
* Takes care of toilet needs independently.
* Feels good about self.
* Is not afraid to go to school. - yeah, irrelevant
* Cares for own belongings.
* Knows full name.
* Dresses self.
* Knows how to use handkerchief or tissue.
* Knows own sex.
* Brushes teeth.
* Crosses residential street safely. - why would a preschooler be crossing the street by himself?!
* Asks to go to school. - again, irrelevant
* Knows parents' names.
* Knows home address. - he knows the street and city, but is sometimes way off with the house number
* Knows home phone number.
* Enters into casual conversation.
* Carries a plate of food.
* Maintains self-control.
* Gets along well with other children.
* Plays with other children.
* Recognizes authority.
* Shares with others.
* Talks easily.
* Likes teachers. - once again, irrelevant
* Meets visitors without shyness. - he's shy for the first few minutes, but warms up
* Puts away toys.
* Able to stay on task.
* Able to work independently.
* Helps family with chores.

So, for 6 months into Colwyn's "preschool" career, I'd say he's doing pretty well.



At 11:26 AM, Blogger Jen said...

I use this same list!
I am so busy this week but I had my youngest go through the town preschool screening just to see where she is at. The screener was a little surprised by my answers. They asked what she watches on tv. She is 2 she doesn't really watch tv. What does she like to do? make crafts, play board games and play pretend. I guess this is not what everyone else said b/c she said "Really?" I am really happy I decided to actually do lesson plans for them b/f kindergarten. I plan on sending her 2 mornings a week next year but its mostly for her to play, see other kids etc.. I had the same approach with the older one. Its a great time for them to play, become more social, interact with a variety of people and time for me to do what I need. I don't expect them to learn much there and plan my lessons accordingly.

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

I think it shows what an impact public school has had on us that we still feel like we need to be graded on how well our kids are doing. Don't get me wrong, I'm the same way, otherwise I wouldn't have looked up that list.

I'll admit that I'm jealous that you got to take your daughter to a screening. I know I shouldn't be, but I do love having someone objective say that the kids are doing okay. That's one of the reasons that I liked the EI assessments.. they hit every area of development.

If we didn't have playgroups to go to, I'd probably end up sending the kids to preschool, too. But luckily enough the kids get plenty of time with other children. And it'll be even better in the summer, when we can hang out at the park on non-playgroup days.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Jen said...

I am so on the fence between homeschool and sending them to school. I think the fact that M's school next year doesn't do report cards of any sort. Their only means of accessing the children is through portfolios that they keep updated until they graduate (and they just recently announced they will be accepting less kids to extend the program through middle school). I also liked the fact that they emphasized other activities such as music, art, community service etc. I think if it wasn't for those things I wouldn't have gone through with it.
The screening just reinforced what I already knew. My daughter is fiercely independent!
M only goes to school for 2 hours. Its really only enough time to see the speech lady, have recess, a snack and do an art project. Next year is going to be a big adjustment for us. Though I hate to say I am looking forward to taking a graduate school class and maybe peeing alone :0)


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